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I am not too familiar with the technology, but we will definitely need the software to unzip this file.. If you have the old version of grandMA, you can upgrade to this new version with a simple update command in the package manager.
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There are just no tutorials anywhere on the Internet on how to configure GrandMA on PC using a USB to DMX adapter. Guest December 4, 2016 Comments May posts for r/camera - Streaming Video over IPc 7a has been brewing a new project, Grandma on PC. Ive got a laptop hooked up to an octacoupler that I can use for the DMX controls.
Grandma PC was developed to make it easier and safer to run an Enttec Box on a PC. Grandma PC is designed to make it easier to run an Enttec Box remotely using an IP or USB to DMX adapter. Grandma PC is currently available for Windows Vista/7 and Windows 8/8.1.
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