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Arseny Fists
Arseny Fists

How To Package A Clojure Desktop App For Mac

Ah, and there is also a new version of Clojure in active development - ClojureDart. It is a port of Clojure language to Dart with the primary goal of using Flutter framework and getting a native mobile and desktop UI.

How To Package A Clojure Desktop App For Mac

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You can either install each package one-by-one with M-x package-install or specify all your packages in Emacs Lisp as part ofyour configuration file. This is helpful if you take your dotfiles toa new machine; you don't have to remember everything you've installedby hand.

To look at the other packages available for installation you caninvoke M-x package-list-packages. To manually install a package,move the point to line of the package with the keyboard and press 'i'for 'install'. After selecting all the packages you are interested in,press 'x' for 'eXecute' to install.

Compile the file with C-c C-k(M-x cider-load-buffer). We should get an errormessage at the bottom of the emacs window complaining that clojure can't findparse-args. Let's try to fix the exception by opening core.clj (C-x C-f/M-x find-file) and adding the following definition:

You can find a runnable source code of the sample in the samples/java/clojure/simple-sample folder of the OpenCV repository. After having installed OpenCV and Clojure as explained in the tutorial, issue the following command to run the sample from the command line.

Here we created a two dimensions opencv Point instance. Even if all the java packages included within the java interface to OpenCV are immediately available from the CLJ REPL, it's very annoying to prefix the Point. instance constructors with the fully qualified package name.

Membrane was written because I wanted to build a desktop app with clojure, but I wanted all the cool functional features found in libraries targeting the browser, ie. react, reagent, re-frame, fulcro, etc.

Membrane does not build on top of any existing ui toolkits like Swing, JavaFX, HTML, UIKit, GTK, etc. These toolkits are fundamentally based on an object oriented model and have a deep impedance mismatch with idiomatic clojure code.

The bound value of *out* is not restricted to operating systemstreams; *out* can be any stream-like object. This makes printfunctions powerful tools. They can be used to write to files, sockets,or any other pipes you desire. The built-in is a versatile constructor for output streams:

Pass the name of the file (relative to the resources directory) tothe function to obtain an instance, which you can then read as you please (for example,using the slurp function):

Resources are loaded via the Java classpath, just like Clojure codeis. Leiningen puts the resources/ directory on the classpathautomatically whenever it starts a Java process, and when packaged,the contents of resources/ are copied to the root of any emitted JARfiles.

The function can also be used to deletedirectories. Directories must be empty for the deletion to besuccessful, so any utility function you make to delete a directorymust first delete all files in the given directory:

line-seq, given an instance of ( returns), will return a lazy sequence ofstrings. Each string is a line in the input file. What constitutes anewline for the purposes of line splitting is determined by theline.separator JVM option, which will be set in a platform-specificway. Specifically, it will be a carriage return character followed bya line feed character in Windows, and a single newline character inUnix-derived systems such as Linux or Mac OS X.

The read function is only appropriate for reading data fromtrusted sources. This is because the Clojure reader is neither designednor guaranteed to be safe or free from side effects. Binding*read-eval* to false is just a small safeguard. If you need toread Clojure data structures from untrusted sources (i.e., anythingyou did not write yourself), then see the clojure.edn library.

The edn format defines a print representation for a significantsubset of Clojure data types and offers extensibility through taggedliterals. The best way to read edn data is to use clojure.edn/reador clojure.edn/read-string. These functions consume edn-formatteddata from a stream or string, respectively, and return hydratedClojure data.

Both functions take an opts map, which allows you to control severaloptions when reading. For tags you know about ahead of time, you candefine custom readers by supplying a :readers map. This map can alsobe used to override the behavior of built-in types as defined byclojure.core/default-data-readers:

By wrapping a normal input stream, as returned, you can pass it to slurp orline-seq (or any other function that takes an input stream) andeasily read the entire decompressed contents.

Zippers are a deep topic, and a full discussion is beyond the scope ofthis recipe, but see the documentation for the for explanation and examples of how to use them effectivelywith XML.

Beyond reading and writing strings, also providesthe read and write functions to work with objects, respectively. With the exception of theirreader/writer parameters, these two functions share thesame parameters and options as their string brethren:

To give Clojure a test drive, without having to perform an installation, point your (reasonably up-to-date) web browser to There, you can interact with a REPL (read-eval-print loop) to get a feel for Clojure's interactive environment.

There is some problem with jline 1.0 on ubuntu and some version of OSX where the retrieving the previous line will not take into account the offset created by the promptSo jline 0.9.94 is preferred. Copy the jar into the clojure directory. Then you can run:

As a first step build and install rlwrap. It might also be available as a part of you packagerepository for your GNU/Linux distribution. Ensure that rlwrap version 0.30 or above is in your path (previous versions have issues with multiline prompts).

In the New Library Files window, go to the clojure_sdk_files directory (from step 1) and select the five JAR files contained there (use the Ctrl key to select multiple files):

I integrate WinCommand and JSwat to the set so I thought to share this "package" with everybody. All the source code of the tools are in the package, so you can hack every tool in order to make it more useful for you (or report bugs!!).

Clojure$JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe-server -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8888 -cp $BOX-HOME\usr\bin\clojure\clojure.jar;$BOX-HOME\usr\etc;$BOX-HOME\usr\lib\clojure-contrib.jar;$BOX-HOME\usr\src\ clojure.lang.Repl(System/exit 0)

.\usr\src\ - the place where you will put your source code (remember to add to the classpath for Clojure). Also you can put the applications source that are inside \usr\bin (like clojure) or the libraries inside \usr\lib (like clojure-contrib)

This is a less accurate method of detection as opposed to our automated scanner tool above because rather than inspecting inside your code,it requires the log4j .jar file to be present on your filesystem (not inside your built package). It does not recursively unpack .jar files. Thisworks best if your dependencies are committed into your Repo, or if you're using a tool like Maven that downloads the.jar files for you.

A set of packages for implementing high-performant GraphQL servers in .NET. Faithful implementation of official 2018 Specification. Features batched execution support (aka Data Loader); support for custom scalars; HTTP server based on ASP.NET Core; parsed query cache; modular API construction (equivalent of schema stiching); full introspection support; runtime metrics and quotas. 350c69d7ab

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